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User Experience Designers — The true fandom of Marie Kondo

What does the Kondo Method have to do with UX?

Kem-Laurin Lubin, Ph.D-C
8 min readFeb 4, 2019


If you are living in 2019 with access to technology and haven’t yet heard of Marie Kondo, then you may very well be alone. Marie Kondo has spun a movement of neatness and organization that now have strangers opening phones to show off their “KonMari” — their Kondo inspired before and after space makeover. Forget pictures of kids and dogs, its all about home organization, don’t you know.

In this article, and many like it, Marie Kondo’s ‘Tidying Up’ Has Increased Thrift Store Donations, So It’s Time To Spark Joy With Other People’s Old Stuff, it is clear, something is happening in how we organize and use our living spaces as well as the subsequent life-changing impact Marie Kondo’s movement has on our lives.

Okay — let me dial back to where this all began for me.

Those who know me closely may describe me as a “neat freak,” but I prefer to self identify as someone who cannot function in clutter and operate by the mantra of:

“a place for everything and everything a place.”

Life is about bringing order to chaos and for me making sure every day represents some reset. It is engrained in me as far back as I can remember and like many children of the…



Kem-Laurin Lubin, Ph.D-C

A Tech Humanist, I write about society, culture, technology, education, & AI. Additionally, I am a villager and live in a small city in Canada.