Framed through the lens of evolution, binary thinking is simplistic indeed and was indeed a necessary survival mechanism. I think I can write a whole book on the topic though my specific scholarly interest was bounded by works in a cultural and historical context, philosophical dualism as alluded to in the works of Nietzsche and Foucault, and from a linguistic side thinkers like Derrida etc.,.
In a sense, a case can be made that this dualism is innate as we now have arrived at this technological dualistic posture that saturates our way of communicating. It then is just another epoch of our dualistic binary path. And while the “bible” is out of scope for my work, so much to say here. I find this work fascinating which is why I explore biases in Computational Rhetoric. I feel I need to follow up with another piece on this fascinating topic. Thank you for engaging with this post. There is a sense we can talk forever about this. Happy Holidays!